Esther 4:14

And that's a wrap for the Annual 140th Diocesan Convention 2024

Lakota Buffalo Coming Home Song

In Honor of the Venerable Paul M. Sneve
by The Rev. Deacon Iva Traversie, Cheyenne River Episcopal Mission

Our Next Diocesan Annual Convention

141st Diocesan Annual Convention 2025

Dates: October 3 & 4
117 N Central Ave, Pierre, SD 57501

2025 Diocesan Clergy Conference Dates: October 2 & 3
Trinity Church, Pierre 408 N. Jefferson Ave.

“Perhaps you were created for such a time as this.”

Our Annual Diocesan Convention 2024 was held on October 4& 5
@ The 1st United Methodist Church, 117 N Central Ave, Pierre, SD 57501

Thank you to our gracious friends and families from the 1st UMC for your hospitality, for feeding us and for the use of your outstanding facilities.
Thank you Trinity Church Pierre for sharing your home.
Thank you to the members from the Northwest and the Northeast Deanery for assisting and providing snacks.
Thank you to our guests Dr. Soong-Chan Rah and Mr Forrest Couch
Thank you to everyone who attended this year's Diocesan Convention.
And for everyone who helped make 2024's Diocesan Convention a success.

Resolutions from our 2024 Annual Diocesan Convention

Bishop Address given at the Diocesan Convention

2024 PDF copy of the Bishops Address

Past Convention Address

Mr Forrest Cuch

Forrest Cuch's presentation given at the Diocesan Convention:
EARTH SOVEREIGNTY Stewardship by Mr. Forrest S. Cuch

Forrest S. Cuch is an enrolled member of the Ute Indian Tribe. He was born in 1951 and raised on the Uintah and Ouray Ute Indian Reservation in northeastern Utah. Forrest was raised in the sacred Ute/Shoshone Sundance religion as were his father and uncles. He has also participated in sweat lodge ceremonies throughout his life and currently conducts ceremonies on his ranch, which consists of eight horses, some of which are used for equine therapy (horse medicine). 

Dr Soong-Chan Rah was our presenter at the 2024 Clergy Conference

Dr. Rah's presentation given at the Clergy Conference:

Areas of Expertise: practical ministry, evangelism, cross-cultural ministry, social ethics, American religious history

American Christians may be fearful of the dramatic changes that have already occurred in the world and in American Christianity. Could that fear be rooted in a loss of power as the demographics of world Christianity begin to favor non-Western nations? But these changes in Christianity may be exactly what God intended, requiring American Christians to relinquish a historical dominance and embrace a greater mutuality, equality and reciprocity in twenty-first-century world Christianity.

Dr Rah