PRIDE Parade 2023

Last year, the Rev. Isaiah “Shaneequa” Brokenleg walked in the Sioux Falls Pride Parade with a contingent of Lutherans. This past April, she asked around to see who might be interested in putting together an Episcopal entry for the parade, set for June 10.  The result was a group of a dozen or more Episcopalians marching behind a rainbow banner stating “You Are God’s Beloved – From your spicy Christian Friends – The Episcopal Church.”  Mother Shaneequa, who is Staff Officer for Racial Reconciliation for the Episcopal Church but lives in Sioux Falls, was thrilled with the response.  

 With crowd estimates at 10,000 or more, it was hard for many to believe they were in “conservative” South Dakota.  Families and people of all ages turned out, and the atmosphere was positive, joyful, and festive. The Rev. Dr. Lauren R. Stanley, Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese of South Dakota, gave out candy, “I Am God’s Beloved – I Am Loved” rainbow bracelets and pins, purchased by Mother Shaneequa, for the “spicy” Episcopalians to hand out.  A member of the group waved a dove banner with a pride windsock attached. (To read the whole story and see the photos, click here.