St. Andrew's Choir

Despite a very snowy morning, the congregation of St. Andrew's, Rapid City, gathered together for a beautiful Palm Sunday service! Although a few voices were voicing concern about attendance, car after car began driving into the lot and a good number of people of folks walked the walk of Jesus Christ through the Palm Sunday narrative. Afterwards, the congregation gathered in the parish hall for a DELICIOUS oatmeal and berry brunch, assorted bagels with fillings, and coffee! There was no better coffee hour designed for a snowy Palm Sunday like today!

Prayers were offered for the Rev. Joe Hubbard, Rector of St. Andrew's, and for the Rev. Leon Sampson of the Diocese of Navajoland. On Wednesday, Fr. Joe donated one of his kidneys to Fr. Leon in Arizona, and both men are in the recovery process. Your ongoing prayers for them, their families, and their congregations are certainly welcome.

Bishop Folts wishes to publicly thank the Rev. Marty Garwood, Deacon, for her help in the liturgy and for all the background ministry work that she has been doing to put the Holy Week services together. Additionally, he wishes to thank Kara Azevedo, the parish's administrator, for the tremendous job that she has done in putting the bulletins and respective services together. Most of the photos were taken by her! Kara's daughter, Chloe, once again resumed her role as Bishop's Chaplain, and we are grateful to her for that!

We are mindful that some in our Diocese were not able to attend Palm Sunday services in their area because of the snow. If you are one of them and would like to view St. Andrew's service online, you may do so here:

Other congregations in our Diocese also live stream their service and we hope that you will always take advantage of participating with them for online worship when the outside weather keeps you from attending your local congregation.

May everyone have a blessed Holy Week and a glorious upcoming Easter!

Bp. Jonathan and Deacon Marty

NarratorOrganistJesus ReaderJesus Wants YOULeaving ChurchDeacon MartyClosing PrayerOatmeal and Coffee Hour