The members of the Diocesan Council of South Dakota met via Zoom on Saturday, November 19th. 

Of special note:

  • After the opening prayer, Robert Klein, a member of St. Paul's in Brookings, was welcomed as the new Diocesan Council representative for the Northeast Deanery.
  • Bishop Folts began his report by leading the members in prayer for Fr. Webster Two Hawk, who made his journey last month, and for Marge, his wife. He then thanked everyone who worked so hard to make September's Diocesan Convention a success, especially those whose work is primarily done behind the scenes. Third, he provided an update in the search process for a replacement for the Rev. Cody Maynus, former Canon for Formation of our Diocese. Fourth, he gave a report on the "Common Grounds, Shared Roots" project spearheaded by Stephanie Bolman-Altamirano, Warren Hawk. Canon Mitch Honan, and himself -- and how grateful we are to the good people of Rosebud West Mission, St. James (Enemy Swim), and St. John's (Eagle Butte) for hosting the three events. Bishop Folts then provided information about a grant that has been submitted to the Executive Committee of the Episcopal Church to help support mission and ministry at Tiospaye Wakan at Calvary Cathedral, and formation opportunities for all congregations located in our seven Mission stations. 
  • Chancellor Steven Sanford provided an update about where our Diocese is insofar as deeding some land located by Holy Cross, Pine Ridge, back to the tribe. The tribe plans to use the land to build a youth and community center. This has been a long project, and we are grateful to Holy Cross for their input and blessing.
  • The financial report from Canon Honan was presented and accepted.
  • The Diocesan Council elected Shirley Crane from Holy Comforter, Lower Brule, to a four-year term as a lay representative on the Standing Committee. (As a reminder, because there was no one nominated for this position before the Diocesan Convention occurred this year, the responsibility of filling the position fell to the Diocesan Council.)
  • A new Diocesan policy regarding the scheduling of meetings and events by all Diocesan committees, councils, and event organizers was passed. This policy states that all Chairpersons, the Niobrara Council Itanchan, and organizers of all Diocesan committees, councils, and groups are to contact the Diocesan Administrator before finalizing and/or publicizing the date and location of any meeting or event. This policy also includes any meetings held by Diocesan Executive Committees, Niobrara Council Officer meetings, or any other governing group of a Diocesan committee or council. This policy is to ensure that all Diocesan events are placed onto the Diocesan Calendar, and so that no major scheduling conflicts occur whereby people who have vote and/or voice at two important gatherings, and who have an obligation to be at both gatherings, have to decide which meeting to attend. If a conflict occurs, the meeting scheduled first on the Diocesan calendar will take precedence. A copy of this new policy will be sent to all committee chairs, secretaries, and posted on the website where policies are found.
  • Next, Canon Honan then presented two resolutions pertaining to the housing allowances for Canon Stanley and Archdeacon Sneve for tax purposes.
  • Marlys Fratzke then presented her Diocesan Administrator report verbally. The Council had already received written reports from the other members of Diocesan Staff.
  • The meeting then closed with prayer, and a blessing.

The next meeting of Diocesan Council is scheduled for Saturday, February 25th, at 9:00 AM (MT) / 10:00 AM (CT) and will be held via Zoom.